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热烈祝贺协和万源美国高中学生获得 诺丁汉大学录取通知书

来源:国际学校  发布时间:2015-01-28 点击量:

英国诺丁汉大学建校于1881年,为一所公立研究型大学。1948年奉皇家特许升格为一所独立的国立大学。诺丁汉大学是许多集团的成员——罗素大学集团(被誉为英国常春藤的研究联盟)、萨顿信托13、Universitas 21、英联邦大学协会、和欧洲大学协会等。诺丁汉大学作为世界一流大学,长年名列世界百大,在2014年QS世界大学排名第77位,2012年上海交通大学世界大学学术排名第86位。


One of our G12 student is admitted by the University of Nottingham!

The University of Nottingham is a public research university d in Nottingham Nottinghamshire England UK. It was founded as University College Nottingham in 1881 and granted a Royal Charter in 1948.

Nottingham is also a member of the 'Sutton Trust 13' a collection of the 13 highest ranking British universities compiled by the educational charity the Sutton Trust which aims to challenge educational inequality at top universities.

Nottingham is currently ranked 23rd in the UK by the Complete University Guide Table 2015. Several of its subjects have been consistently ranked in the top ten including Economics Law and Pharmacy. A 2014 survey suggested it is the most targeted university by the UK's top employers. In 2012 Nottingham was ranked 13th in the world in terms of the number of alumni listed among CEOs of the Fortune Global 500. It is also ranked 2nd (joint with Oxford) in the 2012 Summer Olympics table of British medal winners. In the 2011 Green Metric World University Ranking Nottingham was the world's most sustainable campus.

The school offers undergraduate study postgraduate study language center and foundation. Academic Departments including: Arts Engineering Medicine and Health Sciences Science and Social Sciences.

    英国诺丁汉大学建校于1881年,为一所公立研究型大学。1948年奉皇家特许升格为一所独立的国立大学。诺丁汉大学是许多集团的成员——罗素大学集团(被誉为英国常春藤的研究联盟)、萨顿信托13Universitas 21、英联邦大学协会、和欧洲大学协会等。诺丁汉大学作为世界一流大学,长年名列世界百大,在2014QS世界大学排名第77位,2012年上海交通大学世界大学学术排名第86位。

    目前诺丁汉大学在英国排名第23位。多项科目稳居前十,如经济、法律、医药等。 2014年一项调查表明该校与剑桥大学并列英国第3名,毕业生担任500强企业CEO人数高达第13位,毕业生在英国列为重点聘雇第2名。20141218日,英国唯一由官方每7年发布一次的REF英国大学科研实力(原RAE)排名中,诺丁汉大学高居全英第8位。而2013The Times更指出毕业生在全球企业的受欢迎程度高达第15名。
