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热烈祝贺协和万源美国高中学生获得 加州大学河滨分校录取通知书

来源:国际学校  发布时间:2015-01-28 点击量:

加州大学河滨分校,俗称UCR或UC Riverside,是一所美国著名的公立研究型大学,是加州大学系统中十大分校之一。成立于1954年, 河滨分校设有101个本科专业,52个硕士学位以及42个博士学位。河滨分校水平最高的农学系,已达世界级的水平。



One of our G12 students is admitted by the University of California Riverside!




One of our G12 students has been admitted to the major of Psychology in the College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences.

The University of California Riverside (UCR or UC Riverside) is a public research university and one of 10 universities within the prestigious University of California system. Founded in 1954 The University of California Riverside offers 101 bachelor degree programs 52 master’s degree programs 42Ph.D. programs.

Some of the world’s most important research collections on agricultural science are located in Riverside.

As one of the nation’s fastest growing Universities No.7 within University of California System UCR is consistently ranked as one of the most ethnically and economically diverse universities in the United States. The 2014 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges rankings places UCR 55th among top public national universities the 5th most ethnically diverse and by the number of undergraduates receiving Pell Grants (42 percent) the 15th most economically diverse student body in the nation.

More than 94000 alumni have graduated from UCR over the course of its history. Some of the most notable alumni include the following:        

Dr. Richard R. Schrock: the winner of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry            

Steve Breen: two time Pulitzer Prize winner (1998 and 2009)      

Charles E. Young: Chancellor of UCLA



    加州大学河滨分校,俗称UCRUC Riverside,是一所美国著名的公立研究型大学,是加州大学系统中十大分校之一。成立于1954 河滨分校设有101个本科专业,52个硕士学位以及42个博士学位。河滨分校水平最高的农学系,已达世界级的水平。



    河滨分校在加州大学内部排名位居第7,是加州大学十所分校中发展最快的,以其人性化和多元化著称。加州大学河滨分校一直用特有的方式向世人证明自己全美公立大学50强的地位与实力。2014年《美国新闻周刊和世界报道》最佳大学排名中,加州大学河滨分校被评为全美公立大学第55位。US News还将UCR列为种族多样性方面的全国第5名,并且根据其获得佩尔助学金的本科生人数(占全校42%),将其在学生经济状况多样化方面列为全国第15位。

