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热烈祝贺协和万源美国高中学生获得 伍斯特学院录取通知书

来源:国际学校  发布时间:2015-01-28 点击量:

伍斯特学院位于美国俄亥俄州伍斯特市,是一所以指导本科生研究机会为重点的私立文理学院。被评为US News全美文理学院第65位,最佳本科教学第7名,40所最佳国家教育机构之一。

    伍斯特学院位于美国俄亥俄州伍斯特市,是一所以指导本科生研究机会为重点的私立文理学院。被评为US News全美文理学院第65位,最佳本科教学第7名,40所最佳国家教育机构之一。

    伍斯特学院是俄亥俄州的五所大学学院和大湖区学院协会成员。作为“大学教育改变人生”协会成员之一,伍斯特学院一直稳居全美最佳文理学院行列。每年,US News都会组织权威人士评选具备杰出本科研究机会和优秀课程的美国大学,其中仅有两所大学因其卓越的表现,每年入围,一所是普林斯顿大学,另外一所即是伍斯特学院。




Congratulation! One of our G12 student is admitted by The College of Wooster!

The College of Wooster is a private liberal arts college primarily known for its emphasis on mentored undergraduate research. It enrolls approximately 2000 students and is located in Wooster Ohio United States. The school is a member of The Five Colleges of Ohio and the Great Lakes Colleges Association.

· U.S. News and World Report: No.65          

· The Best Undergraduate Teaching: No.7           

· One of the 40 Best National Educational Institutions



It is consistently ranked among the nation's top liberal arts colleges according to U.S News and Report. In US News' 'Best Colleges 2014' for the 12th year in a row Wooster is recognized for its 'Outstanding' undergraduate research opportunities and its senior capstone program known as I.S. Only two schools have been named to both lists in each of the past 12 years: Wooster and Princeton University.



The College of Wooster has more than 45 majors including: Chemistry Economics Biology Health Sciences Pre-Engineering Pre-law Neural Science and so on.


The College of Wooster cultivate a batch after batch successful people among them are Politicians Nobel Award and the Pulitzer Prize Winner Anchor and Chinese Southeast University founder Mr. Guo Bingwen who is known as 'the Father of China Modern University'. He graduated from The College of Wooster in 1911. After graduation he went back China and established Southeast University which d on Nanjing Normal University.