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来源:上海融育北美教育  发布时间:2018-12-20 点击量:










C:蔡歆禾(Cindy )    D:徐祯洋(David)


  D:As a high school student faced with heavy learning pressure and strict school management some people will want to secretly relax themselves and easily fall   into the fallen "gentle trap" followed by

  negative emotions such as self-blametimidity and frustration...

  We have entered the door of high school and lived independently in school. We must learn not only cultural knowledge but also the ability to think and manage independently.

  Do you know how to manage yourself? There are four points about self-management.




  D:First learn to do a good job of time management. Time is a gift that God gives to everyone. If you don't make full use of it you are wasting your life. Have you examined yourself: Is my daily time spent on meaningful things? Did you make the most of every minute? Am I moving forward toward my goals? If the answer is yes then success is only sooner or later.

  Also learn to set priorities and prioritize things. In addition you have to keep the time of "thinking alone." So that you have enough time to think about the opportunity to reflect or precipitate.

  For us we can make the most of every minute of class which is the best time management. In addition every day after lunch break late self-study and returning to the bedroom we are free to arrange the time. Whether it is vain or a limited time to make every moment full of meaning it is up to us to decide.




  D:Second do a good job in emotional management.The first chapter of the "The Analects of Confucius" is said: There are no s of joy anger and sorrow and the sum of the knots in the middle and the middle and the big ones in the world. And also the world is also the way. To the neutrality the world is in a state of paralysis and everything is bred. Although we can't reach the realm of Confucius we must at least do our own emotional management.

  Some students often can't control their emotions. Usually problems are not that difficult to solve they finally messed them up which finally affected the relationship between classmates.

  Please do not use your own bad mood as an excuse to evade your responsibility. We must learn to be the master of emotions actively face problems and be brave in solving them.



  D:Third do a good job of desire management. Because of the lack of social experience our mind is immature and vulnerable to bad temptation. For us saying "no" to bad temptation is crucial. There may be some students who have the feeling of comparing or showing off each other. Please remember that we are still students at present. Everything from our family is given by the family. No one is qualified to show off the success of others.

  You may enjoy the joy of your own success in the future.

  C:第三,做好欲望管理。我们因为社会经验不足,心性不成熟,容易被不良诱惑所侵害。对我们而言,对不良诱惑说“不”是至关重要的。可能会有一些同学存在互相攀比或炫耀的心理,请记住——我们目前还都是学生,我们的一切都来自于家庭的赋予, 任何人都没有资格去炫耀别人的成功。等有朝一日,自己真正具备实力的时候,才是你享受成功的时刻。

  D:Finally do a good job in language management. The proper use of language allows us to leave a good impression on others. If used improperly it may lead to contradictions. Some students talked to the teachers and classmates without considering the consequences.

  It is often impulsive but it is a curse. It’s too late to regret it afterwards. Some verbal damage affects people as much as physical damage.

  So how do we mind our language? The answer is simple that is “think twice before you   speak.” To consider the consequences before speaking do not say excessive words do not say hurt others.  Try to make your language a source of good mood for others and let beautiful words bloom beautiful flowers.



  D:Dear students if you can't control your own language and emotions how can you  control your own life? If you can’t manage your time how can you plan your future?  If you don’t know how to control yourself how can you say that you’ve paid the effort?

  Let us strengthen our ability to manage ourselves and learn to be responsible for our own lives from today.

  C:亲爱的同学们,如果连自己的语言、情绪都无法控制,何以控制自己的人生?如果管理不好自己的时间,又如何去规划自己的未来?连自制力都没有 那么你还有什么资格谈努力?


  王普 校长




  Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you!